How to draft a dissertation literature review

In the dissertation literature review, the expertise of a skilled dissertation writer ensures comprehensive analysis and synthesis of scholarly sources.

There are various essential steps involved in writing a literature review for a dissertation:

Specify your domain: Establish the parameters for your review, including the duration, the region, and the particular subjects or themes you will examine.

Make thorough research: assemble scholarly materials that are pertinent to your issue, such as books, journal articles, and other publications.

Arrange the sources you use: Sort studies that are comparable into groups and look for common themes, arguments, or patterns in the literature.

Evaluate each source critically: taking into account its advantages, disadvantages, and contributions to the area. Then, synthesise your findings. Examine the relationships and patterns that exist between various sources.

Construct a framework: Choose how you want your literature review to be organised. Thematic, methodological, and chronological methods are common.

Write succinctly and coherently: Don’t forget to organise and make sense of your analysis. Introduce the review by giving background information and outlining its goals. Subsequently, go over each theme or topic in detail, incorporating evidence from the literature to back your claims.

Don’t forget to add your voice: Don’t neglect to include your personal ideas and interpretations when you summarise and synthesise previous studies. Identify opportunities for further investigation and point out gaps in the literature.

When citing sources, be careful to follow your discipline’s or institution’s guidelines for accuracy and reference style.

Rewrite and edit: Check for accuracy, coherence, and clarity by reading over your literature review more than once. Think about your formatting, grammar, and punctuation.

Ask for comments: Ask your adviser, peers, or coworkers for input on your draft literature review and suggestions for improvement. Take into account their suggestions to improve your work even further.


How do you write a dissertation literature review?

To write a dissertation literature review, start by identifying relevant sources, then critically analyze and synthesize the literature, highlighting gaps, trends, and key findings. Organize your review thematically or chronologically and conclude by summarizing the state of the research and its implications for your study.

What are the three parts of a literature review?

The three parts of a literature review are:

  • Introduction: Outlines the topic and the purpose of the review.
  • Body: Discusses the literature in detail, organized by themes or chronology.
  • Conclusion: Summarizes the key findings and their relevance to the research.

How do you start a literature review?

Start a literature review by defining the scope of your review, conducting a comprehensive search of relevant literature, and organizing your sources. Begin your writing with an introduction that provides context, the importance of the topic, and the objectives of the review.

What are the parts of a dissertation literature review?

The parts of a dissertation literature review typically include:

  • Introduction: Sets the stage for the review and outlines its structure.
  • Main body: Analyzes and synthesizes the literature, organized by themes or chronology.
  • Conclusion: Summarizes the main findings, identifies gaps, and suggests areas for further research.

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